PUBLIC ADVOCACY: an analysis of Hamas alliances to follow

Dear Followers:

I’m traveling to San Jose to a Blogher 14 Conference. My next Post was written on the plane on my iPad. I’ve analyzed the facts surrounding the Israeli Gaza conflict and believe this conflict , if not contained and understood, has dire consequences for all of us. I would urge the World’s governments to take part in the Gaza Israeli cease fire and similar to Syria help in the search and removal of weapons and weapons manufacturing. Additionally, the tunnels create a credible threat to the existence of the State of Israel and should be dismantled as well. These, too, should occur under the supervision of the World’s governments, if civilian lives are truly valued. Otherwise, Israel has no choice and most continue on their own , to protect their people.

Please read and share your thoughts and comments. I realize it isn’t easy to discard old constructs, but living in this World requires flexibility of the mind and body.

Thanks for reading. All the best. Joyce

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