The Voice of Joyce:  Thoughts while thinking about” Two States for Two People” 

Photo on 5-14-15 at 12.01 PMEvery time I hear about injustice on our Globe, I cringe and feel outraged. The World concentrates on the ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN “states”, but forgets to look at the billions of people suffering on our Planet.

  • The kids in school suffering intense anxiety.
  • Moroccan kids being abandoned by their parents, at the rate of 24 kids a day.
  • Nepal’s earthquake victims being challenged by the weather and lacking  building materials and basic human needs.
  • SYRIA has ongoing wars between  Shiite and Sunni proxies, leaving millions in diaspora.
  • The entire Middle East is subsumed in tribalism, returning to pre WWI nomadic tribes. More people slaughtered
  • Young people all over the western world are left to fend for themselves by leaderless economies, big on rhetoric and weak on action plans for jobs?

As the World’s anguish continues unabated, we concentrate our thoughts  on Israel? It Bogle’s my mind. If there is coexistence here? If there is a plan for “two states for two people”? Will this be a wake up call for the rest of our World’s people to demand a better life for themselves? Will we as a race , finally break free of 20 th Century thinking and , cast off barbarism , inhumanity to our fellow man, murder, inequality and finally move toward the light? A better day? Seeking the rainbow?

  • I hope so. I’m content to provide whatever insight’s I have. The rest is up to you, “dear world”.  All of us can do better!

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