Joyce: ” America Speaks”Periscope @11am Reclaiming Democracy 

Photo on 9-14-15 at 9.56 AM

Dear followers:

Many feel saddened , questioning, ” why didn’t I know what was happening”? Fret not. The brightest people I know sounded the alarm 7 yrs earlier  then I did, around Y2K. Others , like me, felt betrayed by those I trusted , when the Fiscal Crisis occurred in 2008. My own company experienced the Recession in the Summer of 2007. Though we the people share some of the blame, rest assured that you were duped , conned , and skillfully manipulated by experts to prevent us from questioning those in power who had gained our trust.
Our basic beliefs were used against us to benefit a few.


Look at some of the recent studies on smoking. The tobacco industry knew for 40 yrs it was addictive and caused cancer , yet they suppressed the information for generations to create profits for their companies. When a Billion Dollars is at stake, not even your own kids matter,  as executives made cigarette smoking sexy and desirable.

Don’t fret. What happened is past, before us is understanding and Activism. It is our time to act, it’s not as difficult as you may imagine. The prize, our democracy! Our reason, High Crimes and misdemeanors have been legalized. Bribery is legal. The system is rotten and has ceased to help ” we the people”.

We can change our World. Politics effects Us!

Tune in @ 11am and let’s chat.

“the heart and pulse of the Middle Class”

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