America Speaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Periscope Tuesday @ 11am Brotherhood, Labor, Is Hate a sin?

Dear followers, Saturday night was the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days.  They start with a  “Selichot” service ,  reflecting on man’s nature and our pursuit of   forgegiveness from God.  The service was prefaced by a debate of  a moral issue.  ” Is Hate a Sin?  We debated the pros and cons of this topic and arrived at several conclusions.

  • Being human means that we are capable of “sin”, however, we are also capable of self control.  In the Jewish religion, we believe in redemption.  We can, with self control, choose not to act on Hate and therefore, not to commit a sin.
  • What are your thoughts?   I know that some of you believe Adam committed the original sin.  Does that mean we all suffer for his sin and can never be redeemed?  A rather harsh sentence for mankind.
  • I prefer to believe, that you can choose or not choose to react to hatred and diffuse it by speaking about how you are affected by acts of hate.  If you carry hatred in your heart, you’ve increased your emotional burden,  effectively going against God’s will , to “love thy neighbor, as thyself”.
  • That doesn’t mean you turn the other cheek, it means that you put your emotions aside, though they’re valid and concentrate,  instead,  on ways to address hate and sin,  through understanding of yourself and the other person.
  • We humans are a blend of many traits, embrace our diversity.
  • As Jews, we are brought up to question God and find that even God has made mistakes and admits his faults.  Can’t we do the same?  To err is human, to forgive is divine.


What’s our recourse?  We can’t hate those who create bad policy, instead we Vote for individuals, not perfect, but those who we know will stand up for the “Rights of We the People”.  Ignore the rumors and gossip against those who have made themselves better and  remember the Old Testament, when God chose to save Noah, Noah was the best of mankind.  He wasn’t perfect.


When you go to the Polls in November, there’s only one choice: support candidates who value your life and the life of your children over a policy of Corporate Greed.  [Don’t hate those who don’t share your opinions; vote into office the people who will. It is our obligation, as Americans, to elect Representatives to local, State and Federal office, who support “we the People”,  our opinions and values and not hate the ones who don’t.   If we do hate them, who are we to say we are better than them? We,  for that matter,  have now also “sinned”.]


  •  Actually, if the Greedy were not so self absorbed, they might realize that there is a limit to their quest for more of the Economic pie and our limited resources.    They are destined to fail.
  • Corporations built on debt cannot survive.  It would be far better for them to invest in their employees and new ideas.  If they did, it has been estimated that our Gross Domestic Product would increase and so would the value of their stock at less cost.  What’s not to like?
  • As a “People”,  I prefer to think we have lost our way.  That can change, if “We the People” choose to Vote for our self interest and place our faith in Representatives who value us.


I have hope that the American Spirit has never left us and we will choose to support humane treatment & respect for each other!  We are Americans, we are part of a Great Nation.  United we stand.  Don’t let anyone divide us!


Thanks for listening.  I couldn’t help reflecting on my own Nature during this period of atonement and forgiveness and our collective humanity.  See you Tuesday and we’ll chat.

“The heart and pulse of the Middle Class”

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