TheVoiceOfJoyce/ Link to YouTube #45 Trumpian Secrets https://youtube/3ZqTqq5vtWM Subscribe & win a cash prize!

Why is Trump disruptive?

It’s simple, his behavior dates back 66 yrs ., when he was an unwanted team player. Then he disrupted Baseball games that didn’t include him. Today he disrupts the World’s order. How? Listen & subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Without checks and balances , Trump is unencumbered by compassion, empathy or The Rule of Law. He doesn’t care how many Americans die from Covid or how we suffer economically. If it doesn’t affect his pocket, why care? He doesn’t pretend to want National unity.

  • Therefore, no matter what happens before the Election persevere. Vote! Make a plan to register in advance and Vote.
  • Vote by mail , if possible. It’s safe, that’s why he’s dissuading us.
  • Our revenge on his bullying is DumpingTrump & TrumpsGOP, they pay him & he’s disruptive just the way they want.
  • And all my landsmen, who believe Trump is pro Israel. Think twice, how can he be pro Israel, while supporting QANON, a conspiracy group promoting anti Semitism here?
Episode 45 Trumpian Secrets Please subscribe

For the real scoop on Trump listen & Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Tell your friends to Subscribe.

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