TheVoiceOfJoyce Fighting for saving our Democracy, Kris Mayes is running for Arizona Attorney General. She was forced out of today’s GOP and deserves to win along with a new Secretary of State and Supreme Court justice’s. In swing States, like Arizona, Pa, Michigan, Wisconsin, these seats are pivotal to maintaining our Democracy. Elect people who will protect women’s right to reproductive health, voting rights and absentee ballots. Our Country’s Democracy depends on these States wins. Say no, to the GOP alt right, they’re a minority and no longer represent the moderates of the Republican Party or the vast majority of Arizona.

AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Another program for “We the People”, that will Sunset without the renewal of waivers. Congress must act to renew the “Free school Meal Programs”, that have been guaranteed. Why they’re not permanent, amazes me! They should be permanent. Free meals at schools all year round prevents 10 million kids from being hungry. Everyone is entitled to learn and to learn with a full stomach, no embarrassment. The old system of shame, never worked. Dare we hope Congress will act responsibly on the Food Waiver program and renew it?!

AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Break the habit and Vote for Beto O’ Rourke. You can have a government that supports the rights and lives of the majority. Register and vote. In 2022, your life and livelihood depends on Beto and new faces, not hard right extremists, in Government. Give power to those who will care about your life. The GOP protects very few and cares only about their money and self perpetuating Power. Vote them out in 2022.

AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Are these GOP Governors crazy? They stand against a Woman’s Right to Reproductive Healthcare, against sensible Gun Safety Laws (Red Flag Laws, Background Checks, Assault Weapons Ban), against Expanded Medicaid, against a National Voting Rights Bill, against the For the Families Act and now they’re. against Businesses that are responsible stewards of the Environment and care about their employees well being? They don’t stand for or with us anymore! Since most State Legislators work a maximum of 6 months, why give them power over your life choices? #Vote them out! In 2022,Your Vote Counts!

AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Anxiety, loneliness and stress are being felt by kids at school. It’s affecting their ability to cope and study. School Counselors have suggestions for relieving stress, ranging from Wellness Rooms, to board games, to family nights , plus more sleep is encouraged. Read their lists and help school students thrive!

AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Apple joins with other Corporations in Russian boycott. Several apps have been disabled: All RT new and like google maps, no information on the Ukrainians. Nobody wants to disclose where civilians are congregating.

TheVoiceOfJoyce New EpisodeYouTube #86 Being Present

Thank you my dear followers for your good wishes. This is my first YouTube in weeks and I wished to return with UpBeat news and what effects us currently. Brief Description: Questions to ask ourselves, prior to planning solutions. Americans Can do Spirit will return to help us survive and thrive! The heart and pulse … More TheVoiceOfJoyce New EpisodeYouTube #86 Being Present

TheVoiceOfJoyce. There is no Justice. Don’t provoke violence by interacting with those who want to hurt you. It’s hard, stand down and make sure everyone you know and those you don’t register & vote. Use mail in ballots wherever possible and get a signed receipt when it has a stamp. Less than 75 days to the election. Stay safe and be well. Athletes can’t physically afford to get Covid.

Joyce America Speaks Periscope @11am Monday: Scrapping over the Public Purse!

Dear followers:  Before I launch into my Blog Post, expressing my thoughts and the experts’ thoughts on the latest Bill before Congress, I direct your attention  to the  collaborative political cartoons above, drawn by Justin Weingartner in 2015.  We saw our “State of Inequality” and we were alarmed by the influence of money in politics.  … More Joyce America Speaks Periscope @11am Monday: Scrapping over the Public Purse!