AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Starbucks employees, have joined a Union to support their efforts to secure a living wage and safer working conditions. Many were fired immediately after the shop was Unionized. They’re litigating, however, why not take your dispute to the NLRB for adjudication? Let’s see how the pro labor prosecutor, Jennifer Abruzzo, can help employees. She comes from the CIO & served on the Harvard Advisory Commission, establishing, new rules for workers, a PDF entitled, A Clean Slate for Workers. The new guidelines should help all Labor organize into Unions and protect their jobs during and after the Process. Including, extending the Unionizing process to include all Starbucks stores, sectional Unionization!

AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce Too bad 6 Justice’s believe the rights of States supersedes the Rights of an Individual. Overturning precedents that would allow a wrongly convicted person no recourse under the Law is cruel and a crime against Humanity! As we’ve seen Local and State Laws and Justice are fallible. Many have wrongfully been incarcerated and executed for crimes they didn’t commit and now the Supreme Court takes away the innocent person’s right to freedom by silencing with new evidence ? Are we a Constitutional Democracy or a group of loosely held together authoritarian fiefdoms? What has happened to the Rights of the Federal Government? What has happened to the Rights of We the People? The ultra conservative wing of the GOP, does not represent the will of the Majority. Vote for their continuance at your peril.

AmericaSpeaks TheVoiceOfJoyce People with Diseases of Despair don’t deserve jail time. They’re unnecessarily filling our jails. There should be counseling not jail and high bail allowing warehousing of People hitting rock bottom or minor crimes. There ought to be guidelines to prevent abuses by the judicial and penal system. Counseling not jail!

PUBLIC ADVOCACY: I don’t want to be anyone’s lunch!

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX:  Lobbyists have a seat at the “Political ” table, effecting the outcome of legislation independent of Political Parties. They represent entire industries to the detriment of the PUBLIC.   That’s their  function, support the rights of the industry they represent by influencing Congress to act on their client’s behalf.   Can their … More PUBLIC ADVOCACY: I don’t want to be anyone’s lunch!