PUBLIC ADVOCACY: The Public Healthcare Option and “other new ideas”!

Me/from my home this afternoon
Me/from my home this afternoon

Dear followers:

Since Politics effects Us.  Please read the NESRI proposal and do comment.  As we become involved in our own destiny, you may choose to disagree with plans and ideas.  All anyone asks of you dear reader, is to consider alternatives and when you disagree, note your concerns and propose what you think is an acceptable alternative.

Democracy is inclusive, please join the dialog .   I will offer plans for change on this site, as we move forward with action plans together.

All the best. Joyce

4 thoughts on “PUBLIC ADVOCACY: The Public Healthcare Option and “other new ideas”!

    1. Hi:

      Thanks for taking the time to comment on my Blog. I’ve finally convinced others to Post their concerns and Posts on my site. Now I can give all my followers, the latest information on a variety of topics. Our debate continues as we learn together what options are available to US.

      All the best.
      Please continue reading and commenting.

    2. You are welcome. Thanks for your kind comments.
      I , too, believe the NESRI organization presents valid information on the single payer system. It is my pleasure to keep everyone informed.

      All the best.

    3. Hi there
      Thanks for commenting on my Post
      If anyone in my Community wishes me to Publicize announcements or policy that effects others, please do share
      Communication and debate takes us to Democracy. A sharing of ideas that has the potential to benefit all of us.
      Have a great evening
      All the best

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