Joyce America Speaks Periscope @11am Homage to our kids in service to their Country and the kindness of others! Thank you. 

Our Country may have many diverse populations and attitudes ! We know they exist and follow Fox News and MSNBC or they are the odd person in a group. Mostly, I meet folks like me.

I was in Savannah last week and met many folks. The young and the more adventurous food wise are in Savannah’s downtown restaurants. They’re walking the streets and plazas at night, out and about going to a great ice cream parlor, founded in 1919, by Greek brothers, called Leopold’s or they’re watching an art film. There’s a renown College of Art and Design in Savannah attracting talented young people from all over our Country.

No one was pro Trump, they appeared informed and dismayed by the State of our Inequality. No matter , as we all walked and gathered in diverse groups , we were happy to be alive and sharing a good time. A ” first” happened to me and my Grandson.

My grandson was approached by a complete stranger at our hotel. He was a retired Vet and stated he was proud of our soldiers and voluntarily paid for Grandson’s stay in Savannah. I remember O’Neil’s snide comment on relying on the kind nd Ed’s of strangers. It seems that here in Americans we the people are disgusted by recent policy and have concentrated on reviving our old fashioned American values: caring about each other. This was the first of many kindnesses I received in Savannah. I was given free samples of South African food and Tea. Our Doubletree Hilton was more then accommodating when they supplied cream cheese and butter for 20 soldiers and their families in my Grandson’s unit.

We were privileged to participate in many honest discussions about our Country and questioned our values. It was a joy to be with so many friendly Americans. The camaraderie extended to my flight home. As the single Brit noted , those of us ( 10 individuals) who decided to wait out Delta’s decision to fly back to JFK 5 hours later then scheduled, had a Blitz mentality. We agreed to hang together and flew into JFK at midnight Saturday night. It was almost like having a private jet at our disposal. What a trip. We shared stories about good food and talked and laughed for 5 hours about our Country and policies that effect us . It seems that unlike previous times everyone had a real concern and appreciation for the young men and women in our Military.


These kids are indeed keeping us safe and they are dedicated to the protection of our Country. They question Federal policy as well though they are committed to their job and protection of our Country. Let’s never forget the young people serving our Nation. Our soldiers are decent clean cut single kids or someone’s mother or father. Responsible policy demands that those in government remember we are sending family to foreign lands and we want them back .

My 2 Cents, Our mission should be strength thru building better societies. Never forgetting our own! Americans, when cared for, give you the shirt off their backs. So many of us yearn for those days when we valued life. We can’t forget that we did come from a kinder gentler ” place”. Fixing our economy is our #1 priority. Tax cuts for the wealthy will not help the working poor or the overburdened Middle Class. Judicious taxation and a massive infrastructure project creating jobs and revenue will go a long way toward making America and Americans feel safe and capable and happy to “pay it forward”. There has never been a period in our lives when Americans were not compelled to do the next right thing.
God Bless our people and give us the wisdom to move forward together.
See you at 11 am. This was an homage to US.

We will discuss issues confronting us during the Periscope Broadcast.

” the heart and pulse of the Middle Class “

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